Two individuals, a Filipino female English teacher and her student at a public school in Urayasu City. The female teacher returned to the Philippines and started a business aimed at improving the lives of the citizens of Bacolod City in Negros Island, her hometown. She achieved success. Meanwhile, the student took over the family business of newspaper sales in Urayasu City, engaging in activities such as publishing a local community newspaper and participating in volunteer work.
After about 35 years, they miraculously reunited.
Their dreams and hopes overlapped, and they decided to join hands in Urayasu City to solve the social problems of both countries, the Philippines and Japan.
We established the company and named it LSP Castle International. LSP is a combination of the ‘L’ from Leah, the female English teacher’s name, the ‘S’ from Shimada, the student’s name, and the ‘P’ from Personnel. Castle is the symbol of dreams and power.